To Kill A Mockingbird Lit Print

by Ink Well
To Kill A Mockingbird Lit Print
Ink Well
Digital Art
Hang an entire book on your wall in a single art piece. Full book text of Harper Lee's 'To Kill a Mockingbird' with graphics.
Black Text
Note: Please use the zoom function to see full view of book text.
November 13th, 2019
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Comments (15)

Gull G
Art provides an opportunity for kaleidoscopic thinking. Each time we shift the lens of our perceptions, we gain new perspectives — and new opportunities for innovation.💖❣️💖 CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR RECENT SALE OF A WONDERFUL WORK!

Jacek Dudzinski
Excellent work! I love it! What an inspiration. Your feedback of my artwork would be precious!

Gull G
Art is unquestionably one of the purest and highest elements in human happiness. It trains the mind through the eye, and the eye through the mind. As the sun colours flowers, so does art colour life. ― John Lubbock CONGRATULATIONS ON SALE!